Comment peut-on exalter la guerre et en même temps célébrer Pâques, mon Père?

Chère Méduse,
Juste un mot pour partager avec vous cet email que j’ai envoyé au prêtre qui gérait le séminaire construit par mon grand-père ici à LA… Il me demandait d’envoyer via email des cartes dessinées par des enfants à “our Troops defending our country”…
Cristina del Amo, Venice, California

April 2nd, 2006
Venice, California

Father P.B.G.

I find it interesting to hear news about you, but in future, please refrain
from including me in your exhortations towards war or other forms of violence
and disrespect of humanity.

I support the Troops by supporting that they be brought back to the USA.
I never supported this war in the first place: I knew then, as so many did
all over the world, what is now common knowledge : that the reasons given for it
were all lies. It was so obvious!

I definitely would not support any invasion or nuking of Iran.

I am ever disgusted by religious people of all stripes supporting wholesale
killing of people.

I cannot imagine how you could possibly celebrate Easter or any other
religious date with urgings of supporting war.

But this has ever been so of established religions: they support the earthly
governments of their countries, still stuck in the caveman with the biggest bat mentality…

I am joyous and proud to find more and more of a worldwide movement on this
planet to promote understanding of each other, acceptance of each others
differences, economic political and ecological ways which genuinely respect all of

It would be something to have established religions do likewise, promoting in
words and actions that loftier, universal and genuinely immortal view and
attitude !

The closest I have seen it ever was in the Liberation Theologists movement.

I do wish that you will find peace in the deepest sense sometime soon:
the peace of realising we really are all one.

It is your democratic right to express your convictions.
It is my democratic right to express mine.

Cristina del Amo


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